Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning Environmental Agency of the Republic of Slovenia   en sl
Mobiles (sl) National Meteorological Service of Slovenia
Meteo > Weather > Climate > Current > Last 30 days > Description of diagrams

Description of diagrams

Mean daily air temperature

Mean daily air temperature is calculated as the sum of one quarter of the measured values at 7.00 local mean time (LMT) and 14.00 LMT and half of the value at 21.00 LMT. The corresponding date is given on the horizontal axis of the chart.

Air temperature is measured in standard meteorological screen (Stevenson screen) 2 metres above the ground.

The chart represents the time series of temperature conditions in the previous 30 days (or 30 days preceding the previous day, depending on the current time). Example: today is 6 July 2009, thus the temperature time series from 6 June 2009 through 5 July 2009 is presented on the chart.

In the upper right-hand corner of the chart two temperature means are given. The first refers to the previous 30 days and the second to the climate normal (1991–2010) of the 30 days time window. Days with missing data are excluded from the calculation of the means.

The greyish zone represents the span of normal temperatures in the reference period (1991–2010) at the given day of year. Half of all measured values in that period lies in the zone. A quarter of the highest values of the period lies above and a quarter of the lowest values below the zone.

Lines denoting the mean value of the reference period and both the upper and lower limit of the zone are smoothed by Gaussian filter.

Missing values of the measured temperature in the previous 30 days are not shown (the line is broken).

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Mean, maximum and minimum daily air temperature

Mean daily air temperature is calculated as the sum of one quarter of the measured values at 7.00 local mean time (LMT) and 14.00 LMT and half of the value at 21.00 LMT. The maximum and minimum air temperature are the extreme values in the 24-hour period preceding the 21.00 LMT. The corresponding date is given on the horizontal axis of the chart.

Mean daily temperature usually lies approximately in the middle between the two extreme temperatures.

Air temperature is measured in standard meteorological screen (Stevenson screen) 2 metres above the ground.

The chart represents the time series of temperature conditions in the previous 30 days (or 30 days preceding the previous day, depending on the current time). Example: today is 7 March 2008, thus the temperature time series from 6 February 2009 through 6 March 2009 is presented on the chart.

Missing values are not shown (the line is broken).

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Daily precipitation sum

The figure represents the time series of daily precipitation sum in the previous 30 days. Daily precipitation sum is measured at 7.00 CET. The measured value is attributed to the date of measurement.

Precipitation sum is measured using Hellmann rain gauge (pluviometer) with the orifice of 200 cm2.

The chart represents the time series of precipitation conditions in the previous 30 days (or 30 days preceding the previous day, depending on the current time). Example: today is 15 November 2009, thus the precipitation time series from 16 October 2009 through 14 November 2009 is presented on the chart.

In the upper right-hand corner of the chart two precipitation sums are given. The first refers to the previous 30 days and the second to the climate normal (1991–2010) of the 30 days time window. Days with missing data are excluded from the calculation of the sums.

Missing values are marked by rose column.

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Total snow depth

The figure represents the 30-day time series of total snow cover depth on grass at 7.00 CET. The snow cover is measured when it covers at least half of the ground at meteorological station.

The chart represents the time series of total snow depth in the previous 30 days (or 30 days preceding the previous day, depending on the current time). Example: today is 11 January 2010, thus the precipitation time series from 12 December 2009 through 10 January 2010 is presented on the chart.

The grey line denotes smoothed (Gaussian filter) series of the mean snow depth in the given period (1991–2010).

Missing values are marked by rose column.

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Daily bright sunshine duration

The figure represents the time series of daily bright sunshine duration for the previous 30 days.

Bright sunshine duration is measured using the Campbell-Stokes recorder. In sunny weather the glass sphere lens burns the card behind it. Daily sunshine duration is proportional to the length of burned trace on the card.

The chart represents the time series of sunshine duration in the previous 30 days (or 30 days preceding the previous day, depending on the current time). Example: today is 30 August 2009, thus the sunshine duration time series from 31 July 2009 through 29 August 2009 is presented on the chart.

In the upper right-hand corner of the chart two sunshine duration sums are given. The first refers to the previous 30 days and the second to the climate normal (1991–2010) of the 30 days time window. Days with missing data are excluded from the calculation of the sums.

The dark grey line denotes the average of the mean sunshine duration in the reference period (1991–2010). The red line represents the highest of measured values in the reference period.

The greyish zone represents the span of normal duration in the reference period (1991–2010) at the given day of year. Half of all measured values in that period lies in the zone. A quarter of the highest values of the period lies above and a quarter of the lowest values below the zone.

Lines denoting the mean value of the reference period and both the upper and lower limit of the zone are smoothed by Gaussian filter. 

Sunshine duration is shorter in hilly terrain and at meteorological stations with obstacles preventing undisturbed sunshine.

Missing values are marked by rose column.

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